‘Through discipline comes freedom’. Over two thousand years ago Aristotle warned that freedom means more than just “doing as one likes”. Ancient Greek societies survived...
On the 24th of November 1999, the United Kingdom banned the use of asbestos. Twenty years later and this toxic mineral still plagues public health,...
Liberalism relies heavily on certain assumptions about the human condition, particularly, about our ability to act rationally. John Rawls defines a rational person as one...
During his campaign, Boris Johnson made it very clear that when it comes to proroguing Parliament, he is “not going to take anything off the...
Download the full text of the submission On 3rd July 2019, the CMA launched a market study into online platforms and the digital advertising market...
A century on from Charles Booth’s famous Poverty Map of London, accurate information on poverty has never been more important. So the findings of...
The Government’s housing announcements on the 5th March were the first substantial change to the planning system since the Coalition reforms six years ago. The...
The 2018 Budget delivered by Philip Hammond was the first since 1962 to be delivered on a day other than a Wednesday, and was moved...
On Wednesday 31st October ResPublica and WSP hosted a panel discussion in Parliament to launch WSP’s Productive Places paper and debate its findings. The report...
Watch for the strengthening of this movement in Canada, on Vancouver Island, the former British Colony of which will rise again, not to separate, but to reconfederate. Canada’s new centrist and statist liberalism under Trudeau requires a regional answer from local people and places. As centrism begins to collapse under metastasizing debt, corporate welfare to transnational monopolies and lack of real vision (amongst much else), not just in Canada but the world over, more and more devolution will arise. We devolutionists on Vancouver Island, and social conservative red Tories across Canada, reach out to you at RESPUBLICA, from within our “Lament For A Nation” and the book of that title which captured the same; we reach out from within the curiously long lasting effect it’s author, George Grant ( and like minds ) had on this Commonwealth’s political and philosophical imagination; we reach out to you from within the liberalism he prophesied against and in his writing and that of our great economic humorist, Stephen Leacock, who planted the seed of much of your vision and work for the Commonwealth, Watch for the strengthening of this movement in Canada, on Vancouver Island, the former British Colony of which will rise again, not to separate, but to reconfederate. Canada’s new centrist and statist liberalism under Trudeau requires a regional answer from local people and places. As centrism begins to collapse under metastasizing debt, corporate welfare to transnational, monopolies and lack of real vision (amongst much else), not just in Canada but the world over, more and more devolution will rise. We devolutionists on Vancouver Island and social conservative red Tories across Canada reach out to you at RESPUBLICA, from within our “Lament For A Nation” and the book of that title that captured the same and it’s author, George Grant; we reach out to you from within the liberalism he prophesied against and so planted the seed of much of your work. We salute you sisters and brothers of Her Majesties glorious Commonwealth of Nations! On June 18th, 2016, at Four Mile House, in Victoria, British Columbia, we invite you or your agents or friends to witness the birth of a viral hope for the devolution you practice in Britain to be planted and take root in her former (and perhaps future) colony of Vanvouver Island and across this great Dominion of Canada, with the brith of the Vancouver Island Party. Stay tuned.