
HowTheLightGetsIn, the world's largest philosophy and music festival, will this year be held between 23rd May and 2nd June. ResPublica's Director, Phillip Blond, will be speaking at three events on Monday 27th May. 12.00pm - Politics, Power, and Religion From the divine right of kings to the Protestant work ethic and the exporting of Christianity, […]

Towards the Post-Liberal Future

University of Nottingham

This year's Blue Labour Midlands Seminar will take place on the 5th July at the University of Nottingham. ResPublica's Professor John Milbank, Dr Adrian Pabst and Caroline Julian will take part in the discussions. The aim of this seminar is to gather Blue Labour thinkers, supporters and activists to explore and discuss substantive and emerging […]

Putting people at the heart of Europe’s clean energy future

Many decision makers don’t appreciate the scale of community energy projects that already exist. This event will give policymakers a good grounding in the strength of community energy projects that are already functioning and providing benefits to communities.