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    The Future of the NHS: Empowering patients

    Hilton Manchester Hilton Manchester, Deansgate 8&9, 303 Deansgate, Manchester

    Speakers: Denis Campbell, Health Correspondent, The Guardian, The Observer @denis_campbell Andy Burnham MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health @aburnhammp Barbara Keeley MP for Worsley and Eccles South @KeeleyMP Marc Bell, Chief Executive , Benenden Healthcare Society @benhealthmarc Phillip Blond, Director, ResPublica, @Phillip_Blond ResPublica's full Labour Party Conference programme is available here. Co-hosted with Benenden […]

    Why are all banks the same? How diversity can create real competition in banking and financial services

    Speakers: Lord Roy Kennedy, Labour & Cooperative Member of the House of Lords and Lewisham Council @LordRoyKennedy This is a private roundtable event. For further information please contact Elliott Mears, Events and Communications Manager,, 0207 222 6552. ResPublica's full Labour Party Conference programme is available here. Co-hosted with Building Societies Association.

    How can payday lending help borrowers climb the credit ladder?

    Central 9 Central 9, Manchester Central, Windmill Street, Manchester

    Speakers: Cathy Jamieson, Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury @cathyjamieson Russell Hamblin-Boone, Chief Executive, Consumer Finance Association Joanna Elson, Chief executive, Money Advice Trust @JoannaElson Phillip Blond, Director, ResPublica @Phillip_Blond ResPublica's full Labour Party Conference programme is available here. Co-hosted with Consumer Finance Association.

    The Way Ahead for England’s Core Cities: Local economic growth and public sector reform

    Andante Suite, Hyatt Regency Hotel Andante Suite, Hyatt Regency Hotel, 2 Bridge Street, Birmingham

    Speakers: Mike Burton, Editoria Director, Hemming Group @MJMikeBurton Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Minister for Universities, Cities and Science @gregclarkmp Sir Albert Bore, Leader, Birmingham City Council @SirAlbertBore Phillip Blond, Director, ResPublica @Phillip_Blond James Newman, Chairman, LEP ResPublica's full Conservative Party Conference programme is available here. Co-hosted with Core Cities.

    Devo-Max for Manchester: A new model of public service delivery

    Hall 6, Birmingham ICC Hall 6, Birmingham ICC, Secure Zone, West Midlands, Birmingham

    Speakers: Stewart Jackson MP, Member for Peterborough (invited) Rt Hon John Hayes MP, Minister for Transport Sir Howard Bernstein, Chief Executive of Manchester City Council, Manchester Town Hall @EvilHowieB Phillip Blond, Director, ResPublica @Phillip_Blond ResPublica's full Conservative Party Conference programme is available here. Co-hosted with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

    Restoring the Welfare State: The Conservative vision for welfare

    Room 110, Jurys Inn Room 110, Jurys Inn, West Midlands, Birmingham

    Speakers: Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform Fraser Nelson, Editor, The Spectator @FraserNelson (invited) ResPublica's full Conservative Party Conference programme is available here.

    Keeping the Lights On: Energy security and the low carbon challenge

    Executive 8, Birmingham ICC Executive 8, Birmingham ICC, Secure Zone, West Midlands, Birmingham

    Speakers: Faisal Islam, Sky News political editor @faisalislam (invited) Amber Rudd MP, Minister for Energy and Climate Change @AmberRuddMP Tor Inge Akselsen, Senior Vice President, Statnett @TorIngeAkselsen ResPublica's full Conservative Party Conference programme is available here. Co-hosted with Statnett.

    In Conversation With… Dominic Raab

    Executive 8, Birmingham ICC Executive 8, Birmingham ICC, Secure Zone, West Midlands, Birmingham

    Speakers: Dominic Raab MP Phillip Blond, Director, ResPublica @Phillip_Blond ResPublica's full Conservative Party Conference programme is available here.

    The Future of the NHS: Empowering patients

    Speakers: Daniel Poulter MP, Minister for Health This is a private roundtable event. For further information please contact Elliott Mears, Events and Communications Manager,, 0207 222 6552. ResPublica's full Conservative Party Conference programme is available here. Co-hosted with Benenden Health.

    Britain and Immigration – which way forward?

    Room 110, Jurys Inn Room 110, Jurys Inn, West Midlands, Birmingham

    Speakers: James Forsyth, Political Editor, The Spectator @JGForsyth (invited) James Brokenshire MP, Minister for Immigration @JBrokenshire The Lord Popat of Harrow, Lord in Waiting Sunder Katwala, Director, British Future @sundersays Sir Andrew Green, Chairmen, MigrationWatch UK ResPublica's full Conservative Party Conference programme is available here.