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    ResPublica’s Holistic Mission report scheduled for debate in the House of Lords

    ResPublica is pleased to announce that its recent report, Holistic Mission: Social action and the Church of England, has been scheduled for debate in the House of Lords at 3pm on 21st November 2013. The motion “to move that this House takes note of the July 2013 report of ResPublica ‘Holistic Mission: Social Action and […]

    How can the financial sector better serve the needs of society?

    Launch of ResPublica's Latest Report: “Markets for the Many: How civic finance can open up markets and widen access”. Launched with opening remarks by Cathy Jamieson MP, Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury. ResPublica is launching its latest report: ‘Markets for the Many: How civic finance could open up markets and widen access'. Supported by […]

    The Banking Gap: How payday lenders can support and mainstream the financially excluded

    Committee Room 12, Houses of Parliament Committee Room 12, Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London

    This is a private roundtable discussion in support of a ResPublica research project. In light of current proposals for regulation from the Chancellor, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, as well as from the Financial Conduct Authority, ResPublica will be conducting an in-depth programme of research to explore the ‘banking gap’ and propose new […]