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    The Future of Public Services: Commissioning for innovation

    Charter 4 Charter 4, Manchester Central, Windmill Street, Manchester

    The Future of Public Services: Commissioning for innovation #BetterPublicServices. Speakers: Rt Hon Nick Hurd MP, Minister for Civil Society Roger Evans, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly Member Joe Irvin, Chief Executive, NAVCA Indy Johar, Chief Executive, The Hub John Tizard, Independent Strategic Adviser on Public Policy & Public Services Co-hosted with National Association for Voluntary […]

    Unlocking Growth: How our cities hold the key to economic prosperity

    Charter 4 Charter 4, Manchester Central, Windmill Street, Manchester

    Unlocking Growth: How our cities hold the key to economic prosperity #UnlockingGrowth. Speakers: Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury @GregClarkMP Bernard Jenkins MP, Member of Parliament for Harwich and North Essex @BernardJenkin Professor Michael Parkinson CBE, European Institute for Urban Affairs, Liverpool John Moores University Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City […]

    The Economy of Errors: Can understanding human nature help protect consumers

    Derby Suite, Midland Hotel Derby Suite, Midland Hotel, Peter Street, Manchester

    The Economy of Errors: Can understanding human nature help protect consumers #EconomyOfErrors. Financial regulation and enforcement can be a costly endeavour for financial institutions and regulators. Using techniques trialled in behavioural economics to ‘nudge’ market players into good behaviour could both save money and make for a more ethos driven financial sector. This public panel […]

    To be or not to be in the EU?

    Charter 4 Charter 4, Manchester Central, Windmill Street, Manchester

    To be or not to be in the EU? #inoutEU Speakers: Rt Hon Ken Clarke, Minister without Portfolio @KenClarkeMP Peter Bone MP, Member of Parliament for Wellingborough (Invited) @PeterBoneMP David Campbell-Bannerman MEP, Conservative MEP for the Eastern region @DCBMEP Peter Wilding, Director, British Influence @EuroRealist Phillip Blond, Director, ResPublica @Phillip_Blond

    Transforming Social Care: Beyond Personalisation

    Derby Suite, Midland Hotel Derby Suite, Midland Hotel, Peter Street, Manchester

    Transforming Social Care: Beyond Personalisation #TransformingCare Speakers: Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell MP, Chair of the Health Select Committee Helen Sanderson, Chief Executive, Helen Sanderson Associates Julia Unwin, Chief Executive, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Steve Scown, Chief Executive, Dimensions UK Alex Fox, Chief Executive, Shared Lives (Chair) Co-hosted with the Dimensions.

    Keeping the Lights On: A 21st Century energy economy

    Lancaster Suite, Midland Hotel Lancaster Suite, Midland Hotel, Peter Street, Manchester

    Keeping the Lights On: A 21st Century energy economy #KeepingTheLightsOn. Speakers: Rt Hon Greg Barker MP, Minister for Energy & Climate Change @GregBarkerMP Laura Sandys MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister for Energy & Climate Change @LauraSandysMP Iain Peters, Managing Director, Energy First at Centrica Caroline Julian, Head of Research, ResPublica @CarolineLJulian Co-hosted with […]

    Why Can’t We Grow Our Own: Competition policy in the tech sector

    Charter 4 Charter 4, Manchester Central, Windmill Street, Manchester

    Why Can't We Grow Our Own: Competition policy in the tech sector #TechSectorJobs Speakers: George Freeman MP, Chairman of the All Party Group on Science and Technology in Agriculture Marc Pinter-Krainer, Chief Executive, One News Page John Longworth, Director General, British Chambers of Commerce Tim Cowen, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP (Chair)