Our 2018 Conservative Party Conference fringe programme in one place

The venue for all of our events in 2018 is the Library of Birmingham. Sunday 30th September 17.45-19.00 – 2020 Conservatives Group hosted by ResPublica A vision and policy Programme for Britain Beyond Brexit   Monday 1st October 15.45-17.00 – Devo London: What policies does London need to succeed? 15.45-17.00 - Fixed Odds Betting Terminals: […]

Why a National Asbestos Database can and should be established

Online Event

We have called for Government to establish a central register of all asbestos currently in place in public buildings across the UK (including schools, hospitals and social housing). In response to this the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) stated: ‘It is not clear what additional benefits a national database would have over . Given the […]

The future of post-liberalism; an international seminar

Online Event

Societal, political, and economic turmoil appear to be the norm for the foreseeable future and the situation is only being enhanced by the effects of the current pandemic crisis. A paradigm shift is much needed, for societies and governments, national and local, to be able to address the issues that will continue to arise. Joined […]

The Future of Place-Based Devolution in England

Online Event

  https://youtu.be/enAL1BXttWs The event will aim to be a high-level discussion on the future of place-based devolution in England. Despite most large metro-regions in England having secured devolution deals, central government has failed to deliver radical reform at the pace and scale required. Many places including mid-sized cities, districts, and counties have been left behind. […]

Post-liberalism in the UK

Online Event

https://youtu.be/jJzmQOUdY8M Societal, political, and economic turmoil appear to be the norm for the foreseeable future and the situation is only being enhanced by the effects of the current pandemic crisis. A paradigm shift is much needed, for societies and governments, national and local, to be able to address the issues that will continue to arise. […]

Beyond the failures of liberal feminism

Online Event

Feminism is at a crossroads. In terms of rights and representation, things have never been better for women in the UK. But ‘progress’ is not linear – in fact, ‘progress’ is an illusion. And it is becoming increasingly apparent that a liberal doctrine that prioritises freedom above all else is not necessarily the answer to […]

A new path for post-liberal schooling in the UK

Online Event

https://youtu.be/qboFNXHqVhU   Schools have rarely been out of the spotlight during the past 12 months, but many of their problems long predate the pandemic. The inequality of provision; wrangles over the politics of class, race and identity; the tunnel vision of examination grades and university entrance as the sole arbiters of success: these and more […]

Post Brexit food trade and food security

Online Event

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54olq67oPIs&feature=youtu.be   The UK has finally agreed a deal with the EU, and Brexit is now done. The ‘free trade and cooperation agreement’, which came into operation on January 1st, means no tariffs or quotas will be introduced on British food exports or European imports. While this sounds like good news for Britain’s food security, […]