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    Boardrooms, bonuses and the bottom line: New models of corporate governance to secure stronger economic performance


    with Chuka Umunna MP, former Shadow Business Secretary Sir Vince Cable, former Business Secretary Richard Fuller MP, member of BEIS Select Committee Robert Hodgkinson, Executive Director, ICAEW Aimee Donnellan, Banking Correspondent, Sunday Times Jake Sumner, Senior Associate - Industrial Strategy, ResPublica (Chair) The UK is recognised as having a world-leading corporate governance framework, but domestic scandals […]

    Britain’s Global Future: the diplomatic impact of UK civil society

    House of Commons House of Commons, Westminster, London

    ResPublica is launching its latest report on British soft power and the vital role of institutions in British foreign policy. It explores the unique position of British institutions in stabilising nations and how, when properly configured and supported, institutions such as the BBC, British Council, universities and museums, can provide mediation in some of the […]

    Backing Beauty Reception: Beauty and Public Policy

    - hosted by ResPublica, the Woodland Trust and the National Trust with Rt Hon John Hayes CBE MP, Minister of State for the Department of Transport Phillip Blond, Director of ResPublica Dame Helen Ghosh DCB, Director General of the National Trust Austin Brady, Director of Conservation & External Affairs of the Woodland Trust   We believe that […]

    The Case for Community Pharmacy, with the Rt Hon Sir Kevin Barron MP

    A rising demand for healthcare services, combined with an ageing population and the increasing prevalence of chronic ailments like diabetes, is stretching the capacity of NHS England. At the same time, pressures on central and local health budgets have restricted the ability to train, hire and retain enough doctors and nurses to meet the country's […]

    Appetite for Global Success: How food and drink manufacturing through the industrial strategy can feed UK prosperity and serve global needs

    The Landing, MediaCityUK - Salford

    ResPublica is launching its latest report on the importance and strength of the Food and Drink manufacturing sector and its role in the entire food chain, with the contribution to jobs, exports and economic footprint across the UK, including representing 17% of all manufacturing and 6.7% of exports. It outlines the challenges and opportunities for […]

    Heartbeats on the High Street – Community Pharmacy Report Launch

    The Landing, MediaCityUK - Salford

    ResPublica is launching its latest report on Community Pharmacy in which we make the case for community pharmacies as a first port of call in primary care. Our research argues that the NHS can no longer afford to overlook the role that community pharmacies can play in reducing the cost burden on taxpayers and the […]

    Escape Velocity: Growing Salford’s Creative Economy – Report Launch

    The Landing, MediaCityUK - Salford

    ResPublica is launching its latest report Escape Velocity: Growing Salford’s Creative Economy. The report makes the case for continued Government and private sector investment in Salford’s digital and creative industries to safeguard and grow the already impressive cluster that has built up around MediaCityUK. The report also highlights Salford as a leading example of the value of cities […]

    Why Liberalism Failed – Phillip Blond in Conversation with Professor Patrick Deneen

    Portcullis House Wilson Room, Portcullis House, London, United Kingdom

    Join us in the Grimond Room of Portcullis House in Parliament on the evening of Tuesday 12th June for an 'In Conversation with...' event with our Director Phillip Blond and Professor Patrick Deneen. Professor Deneen teaches political philiosphy at the University of Notre Dame in the United States and is the author of a new […]

    Coming Home to Roost: The British Poultry Meat Industry After Brexit – Report Launch

    Committe Room 8 Houses of Parliament, United Kingdom

    Join us at the launch of our new report on the British Poultry Sector post-Brexit. In this report we outline how the future of the British poultry sector is dependent on the final deal that is struck between the UK and EU upon our departure next year. The event is taking place on Thursday 6th September in Parliament (Room […]

    Credit Emancipation – Report Launch

    Grimond Room, Portcullis House, Parliament 1 Parliament Street, Westminster, London, United Kingdom

    Join us at the launch of our new report on Credit Emancipation. In this report we make recommendations to address the problems of unaffordable credit, pay-day loans, financial exclusion, indebtedness and in-work poverty and how they are negatively affecting individuals and communities in the UK. Our research argues that improving aggregate credit scores at the local […]