Our People

Our People


  • David Orr

    Contributing Author

    David Orr

    David Orr is Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation and a former President of CECODHAS-Housing Europe, the European Liaison Committee for Social Housing. He has chaired the mobility taskforce...

  • Andy Wightman

    Contributing Author

    Andy Wightman

    Andy Wightman (@andywightman) is a freelance writer, researcher and analyst specialising in land reform, land tenure, land rights and landownership and is a leading advocate of land reform in Scotland....

    Follow me on Twitter

  • John Downie

    Contributing Author

    John Downie

    John leads the public affairs department of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), including the policy and research team and the communications and campaigns team. He has lead responsibility...

  • Peter Duncan

    Contributing Author

    Peter Duncan

    Peter Duncan is Managing Director of Message Matters, a strategic communications consultancy in Edinburgh, which is retained by Reform Scotland. He is a former Conservative MP....

  • Rob Shorthouse

    Contributing Author

    Rob Shorthouse

    Rob is the Director of Communications for Better Together, the principal organisation representing the parties, organisations, and individuals campaigning for a No vote in the Scottish independence....

  • Mike Hoffman

    Contributing Author

    Mike Hoffman

    Mike is a graduate of Rutgers University, with a BA in Political Science, minoring in National Security and Religious Studies. He is currently in the process of completing an MA...

  • Yossi Ives

    Contributing Author

    Yossi Ives

    Rabbi Dr. Yossi Ives Yossi is the founder and chief executive of Tag Institute for Social Development (www.taginstitute.org), a think tank and research centre that addressed pressing social...

  • Peter Kelly

    Contributing Author

    Peter Kelly

    Peter has thirty years’ experience across banking and community finance and has been with Unity for the past year. He set up the first financial inclusion unit in the UK...

  • Mark Luntley

    Contributing Author

    Mark Luntley

    Mark Luntley graduated from Loughborough University in 1982 and qualified as a CIPFA accountant in 1987. He has worked at the Audit Commission,  and across Local Government, the LGA and...

  • Gaynor Hartnell

    Contributing Author

    Gaynor Hartnell

    Gaynor Hartnell is a freelance consultant specialising in renewable energy. She has had eighteen years of high profile experience in the field, most recently as the Chief Executive of the...