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The Big Questions @bbcbigquestions #bbctbq Phillip Blond joins Nicky Campbell on the discussion series live from the Pyramid and Parr Hall in Warrington, with questions on the death penalty, sex education and the church and politics: Should sex education be secular?
Phillip Blond, Director of ResPublica joins BBC Radio Merseyside to discuss the need for devolution, explaining that devolution enables us to have a tailored suit, as opposed to the off the peg soutions offered by central government.
Cities should be given the “freedom to set and retain” taxes including council tax, stamp duty, and business rates, according to a new report.
The transfer of local property taxes must form the main plank to devolution at city level, an influential think tank reported today.
Markets, Monopolies and Freedom The internet has democratised knowledge and transformed our lives. But from Microsoft to Apple, it is rampant with monopolies.
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