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Coverage of the House of Lords debate of ResPublica’s Holistic Mission Report.
Christian Today discusses the House of Lords debate on ResPublica’s Holistic Mission report.
The debate of Holistic Mission begins at 14:31. To download a full transcript of the debate please click here, or click here for the original source.
The House of Lords debate of ResPublica’s Holistic Mission report is profiled in the BBC’s Week Ahead.
Proposals made in ResPublica’s Making It Mutual are included by the International Social Security Association’s report on mutual societies, ‘Mutual benefit societies: A tool for developing social protection worldwide, particularly in the health sector’.
In his Labour Party conference speech, Ed Miliband planted himself firmly on the left. His big themes of confiscating land from greedy developers, controlling energy prices and imposing a higher minimum wage, have left commentators in near unanimity on that point.
Professor John Millbank joins the debate on abortion.
ResPublica’s Head of Research Caroline Julian asks if collective switching is enough.
The BBC covers ResPublica’s Conservative Party Conference fringe event ‘To be or not to be in the EU?’.
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