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Community owned energy could grow by 89 times its current size if the right national and local policies are put in place, according to a report by the think-tank ResPublica.
An Interview with the conservative thinker Phillip Blond in Austrian publication Wiener Zeitung.
ResPublica’s Caroline Julian discusses the purpose of social housing regulation for the Guardian.
ResPublica’s Director Phillip Blond discusses our Holistic Mission paper on Conservative Home.
Isabel Hardman at the Daily Telegraph discusses ResPublica’s Holistic Mission report.
The Daily Express reports on ResPublica’s Holistic Mission report.
The Evening Standard report on ResPublica’s Holistic Mission report.
Government policies for older people’s care aim to offer them choice and control over their support. This choice-based approach reflects similar developments in support for working-age disabled adults, and has come to underpin many of our public services.
Paul Walsh, CEO of CUNA Mutual Europe, discusses the findings of ResPublica’s Risk Waiver Green Paper.
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