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It is no secret that personal and corporate lending has stagnated over the last five years. The credit that our businesses and households need is simply not as available as it was.
Here are two thinkers who want to reform the state for making more accurate and more efficient. But one, Philippe Aghion, close to the socialists, wants to make intelligent, the other, Phillip Blond , who inspired the concept of “Big Society” British Conservative, wants to reduce it to its bare minimum.
ConservativeHome’s Deep End Discusses Phillip Blond’s view on ideas-led research.
Interview with ResPublica Director Phillip Blond on the EU referendum bill.
Human beings make rational choices, and choices are rational only if they seek out the truth. But the truth may be uncomfortable, so that we have a motive to avoid it.
This week, Baroness Berridge and Mark Hoban MP, the Minister for Employment, will launch an entrepreneurial initiative intended to back new firms and create fresh jobs from what, at first sight, may be an unlikely location – a Cathedral of the Church of England.
Conservative Homes maps the story of compassionate conservatism in Britain, featuring ResPublica’s Phillip Blond.
Italian publication Telos Primo Piano interviews ResPublica Director Phillip Blond.
Margaret Thatcher saved Britain’s economy and had she been less Euro-sceptic perhaps she could have saved Europe from the Euro. But the lack of any account of the social blinded her to the fate of her people.
Margaret Thatcher has been retrospectively turned into some sort of heroine – even a saint. But her true status was grasped most accurately by the Jewish atheist historian Raphael Samuel.
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