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Britain After Brexit

27th June 2016

ResPublica responds to the EU Referendum result

The outcome of the referendum was based on more than a simple decision to Remain or Leave; it was also underpinned by a sense of loss of control and neglect, fear of the impacts of globalisation, and a distrust that our political system could truly serve the poor and those outside London.

We believe that a new politics is needed to enable Britain to lead both within and without. Within, we believe in a Britain united, not divided – a country that can offer real power to people and places across the UK, without stoking an unhealthy nationalism that is fearful of other people. We believe in a Britain that can champion British values and virtue, unlocking true freedom, widespread prosperity and civic responsibility that will be the envy of the world.

Without, we believe in a Britain that can co-operate, not compete, with the EU in the negotiations that are to follow, exercising our influence on the completion of the single market, and strengthening further European defence and foreign policy. We believe in a Britain that leads in forging a new path for Europe by initiating a process of genuine structural reform to help equip the EU to face the challenges of globalisation and protect its people from the worst effects of economic and social change.

ResPublica will be a site for debate and discussion as Britain discerns its next steps. From the imminent launch of ResPublica North and our Northern Manifesto, to major projects on the NHS, and the future of human rights, our programme promises a series of timely and high impact interventions for the months to come.

Join us between 6 and 8pm on Wednesday 29th June in St James Square, as we join British Influence to kick start the debate with a reception and discussion on What Next: Uniting to shape the future of Britain and Europe. Please contact for tickets and information.

1 comments on “Britain After Brexit”

  1. Sandra Brook says:

    I have been watching sky news this morning, where Philip Blond was an expert contributor to the View with Adam Bolton. For someone who is supposed to be a writer and expert contributor on the subject of brexit he seems very ill informed. He stated twice the Ireland was in the Schengen zone Agreement. Infact Ireland like the U.K. Maintain an opt out of this agreement. How does someone without basic facts get expect to have their opinions listened to.
    S Brook

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