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Think tank ResPublica calls for radical overhaul of the UK health service tackling the lifestyle and long-term conditions that will cause a £19 billion deficit and bankrupt the NHS in a decade A surge in complex chronic illnesses such as obesity, cancer and dementia, coupled with an ageing population and tightening health budgets, mean that the NHS faces a potential funding gap of £19bn per annum within ten years.
A new publication by the influential think tank ResPublica reveals that the major banks are failing to lend to community energy businesses.
ResPublica recently submitted evidence to the independent review, carried out by Sir Michael Lyons as part of the Labour Party’s Policy Review.
Following Ed Miliband’s speech on the need for banking reform and an ethos-driven economy, the latest publication from the think tank ResPublica argues that a radical change in attitude from our businesses is needed if the private sector is to regain the trust of British consumers.
ResPublica is pleased to announce that its recent report, Holistic Mission: Social action and the Church of England, has been scheduled for debate in the House of Lords at 3pm on 21st November 2013.
The Energy and Climate Change Committee yesterday published their report, Local Energy, presenting the findings of the Committee’s inquiry into the benefits of local renewable energy projects.
The Government’s Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill compromises the meaning of both traditional heterosexual marriage and homosexual partnership, says a new publication from the think tank ResPublica ahead of the Parliamentary debate on the Bill on Tuesday 5th February.
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