Work With Us

Work With Us

ResPublica is one of the country’s most successful public policy think tanks. We’ve achieved this level of success by being radical in thought and persuasive in communicating our evidence based proposals. Since its foundation, ResPublica has had an unrivalled impact on public policy. The vast majority of our work has been adopted by Government and the Opposition as public policy, and has been taken seriously as evidence at Parliamentary Select Committees.

Our ideas and recommendations have also been endorsed by regulators, high profile commissions, leading commentators, faith leaders, senior civil servants and entrepreneurs. Our work is consistently featured in local, national and international media outlets and our analysis of current affairs is always in high demand. We have achieved this significant impact by producing work that is economically sound and ahead of the curve.

As the leading nonpartisan think tank in the UK, we are able to speak to and have influence on all political agendas. Our publications and events remain independent from political parties, Whitehall and private enterprise, and are guided by our political philosophy and our mission.

There are several ways to work with ResPublica.

Green Papers

Green Papers are pithy yet powerful publications which communicate a single idea or thesis in public policy, supported by a highly persuasive argument. Circa 7,000 words in length, the purpose of these short, provocative pieces is to spark a debate and generate public-wide interest in our punchy recommendations. A public opinion poll can be commissioned as part of this output, which can act as an ideal media ‘hook’ upon release.

ResPublica Recommends

Politicians and policy-makers are always seeking good ideas that will resonate with the public. Our ‘ResPublica Recommends’ publication comes in two formats: through circa 4,000 words, it can either set out and support a single policy idea or communicate eight to ten policy recommendations in a Manifesto-style format. These publications are colourful and attractive documents that are widely disseminated online and via social media.

Events & Conferences

Public and private events also provide policymakers with the space to listen, announce new policies and/or formulate their own thinking. Our events range from public panels and conferences to private roundtable discussions and seminars. We also run over 30 public and private events at the party political conferences each Autumn, which in 2014 hosted 23 Ministers and Shadow Ministers and six members of the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet as key speakers and attracted over 2000 delegates.


Our reports communicate a strong and coherent case for a particular direction in public policy, based on secondary research and in-depth analysis. Circa 15,000 words in length, a ResPublica report opens with a powerful executive summary and concludes with hard-hitting policy recommendations. Primary research, which can include econometrics, public opinion polls or surveys, to name just a few, can also be commissioned and included within the report.


ResPublica receives no core funding, and all of our income is project based. For more information about our funding, see ResPublica Funding 2015-16

COVID-19: Are we truly free or merely enslaved to ourselves?

‘Through discipline comes freedom’. Over two thousand years ago Aristotle warned that freedom means more than just “doing as one likes”. Ancient Greek societies survived...

Airtight on Asbestos – A campaign to save our future

On the 24th of November 1999, the United Kingdom banned the use of asbestos. Twenty years later and this toxic mineral still plagues public health,...

Rationality & Regionality: A more effective way to dealing with climate change | by Hamza King

Liberalism relies heavily on certain assumptions about the human condition, particularly, about our ability to act rationally. John Rawls defines a rational person as one...

The Disraeli Room
What are the Implications of proroguing Parliament?

During his campaign, Boris Johnson made it very clear that when it comes to proroguing Parliament, he is “not going to take anything off the...

ResPublica’s submission to CMA

Download the full text of the submission On 3rd July 2019, the CMA launched a market study into online platforms and the digital advertising market...

Food poverty: Time to lift the veil?

A century on from Charles Booth’s famous Poverty Map of London, accurate information on poverty has never been more important. So the findings of...

ResPublica Response to changes to the National Planning Policy Framework

The Government’s housing announcements on the 5th March were the first substantial change to the planning system since the Coalition reforms six years ago. The...

ResPublica’s Response to the Autumn Budget 2018

The 2018 Budget delivered by Philip Hammond was the first since 1962 to be delivered on a day other than a Wednesday, and was moved...

The Disraeli Room
Productive Places | WSP and ResPublica

On Wednesday 31st October ResPublica and WSP hosted a panel discussion in Parliament to launch WSP’s Productive Places paper and debate its findings. The report...